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Everyone has a different take on how to make video content viral on YouTube and other social media platforms. However, there are proven strategies and tips on how to do it.

In this article one of our video experts will share tips and knowledge about how to make your video viral on YouTube.

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Know the Current Trends

In a world where visual content is more potent than ever, staying on top of the latest trends can make or break your content creation game. As a content creator, you may be spinning several plates all at once – conceptualizing, filming, editing, and finally, publishing. This is where a video editor can offer an extra pair of expert hands, not just to ease the workload, but also to enhance the quality of your visual narratives.

Now, let’s talk about why it’s crucial to understand and implement current video editing trends. If you’re striving for significant audience engagement, you need to speak their language, which is strongly influenced by what’s currently trending. Whether it’s the latest split-screen technique, eye-catching 3D animations, or the subtle art of sound editing – being aware of these trends and incorporating them into your content gives you an edge. At Social Channel Studios, we pride ourselves on staying sharp with these trends, offering an array of innovative solutions to make your content shine brighter.

Incorporate Your Branding into Your Videos

With the rise in digital platforms, a video editing studio like Social Channel Studios can play a pivotal role in boosting your content’s reach and engagement. As content creators, it’s essential to capitalize on your unique brand ethos, and one of the key ways to do that is by incorporating your signature branding elements into your videos. Now, you might think – what’s the role of a video editing studio in branding? Well, it’s quite considerable, actually.

From including your brand logo tastefully in intros, outros, or watermarks, to infusing your brand colors and fonts throughout your video, the video editing studio is tasked with weaving in your brand’s distinct essence. An impactful video is not just about stunning visuals or engaging scripts; it’s also about subtly instilling your brand identity into the viewer’s mind. So, when viewers come across your content, they instantly recognize it as ‘yours.’ It’s a subliminal process that builds a sense of familiarity and loyalty over time. Whether it’s the quirky humor of the narrative, the vibrant color palette, or the unique graphics style, each element subtly speaks volumes about your brand. So don’t just create videos, create ‘branded’ videos with a reliable video editing studio.

Hire A Video Editor

Engaging a competent cyber hand offers copious benefits, especially to today’s busy content creators who are constantly juggling a multitude of tasks. While a content creator might be a dab hand at conceptualizing and shooting videos, the technical aspects of piecing together a well-edited video might not be their cup of tea. This is where the professionals step in. Having an adept video editor on board will not only add a touch of finesse to your content but also significantly up your game on the digital platform. These maestros are well-versed in the subtleties of creating clickbait thumbnails, crafting clear and attractive text, and generating hypnotic visuals that can lure in the audience and spike up video metrics.

The absolute beauty of hiring a video editing studio like Social Channel Studios, however, lies in the freedom it presents to content creators. Unburdening the weighty task of video editing can lead to a healthier state of mind, encouraging more creativity and productivity. Suddenly, there’s more time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, to reflect, to plan, and to simply be. Imagine having the liberty to churn out one quality content after another without having to fret about the granular details of editing. In the grand scheme of things, such collaborations are about more than just getting a perfectly edited video. It’s about nurturing a conducive environment where content creators can shine. And while professional video editing services are just one of many solutions available, there is no denying the significant role they can play in uplifting a content creator’s journey.

Communicate well with Your Video Editor

Engaging with a video editor is more than just sending over raw footage and waiting for the final cut. This is where effective communication plays a vital role, not just to convey your creative vision but also to build a relationship that amplifies the quality of work. While video editing does necessitate technical know-how, radically, it’s all about storytelling. As a content creator, you are the author of the story, and the video editor is the unsung heroic scriptwriter who assembles the scenes to narrate the story seamlessly. Therefore, clear and continuous conversations with your video editor will ensure that your narrative finds its befitting expression on the visual canvas.

Another key aspect is feedback. Especially in a realm like video editing where the room for creative interpretations is broad, feedback can be a transformative tool. Letting your video editor know about what worked well in a video edit and where adjustments might be needed might sound simple, but can have a profound impact on quality. Imagine this: you turn in a video script, and your editor, in his creative enthusiasm, sets the visuals to a peppy, upbeat track, but your envisioned mood is more of a mellow, contemplative narrative! By structuring your feedback thoughtfully, you don’t just ward off such unexpected surprises but also create a mutually respectful professional relationship that can breed exciting content. So don’t shy away from feedback – it’s your story, and nobody can tell it better than you!

Post Regularly

In the bustling world of digital content creation, consistently cranking out top-tier content can feel akin to keeping up the pace on a merry-go-round set to sprint speed. Yet, the necessity remains for maintaining regular output, keeping your audience engaged and your channel populated with fresh content. The infusion of striking visual elements, attention-catching text, framing, a touch of color correction, and judicious cropping — all can play pivotal roles in creating appealing content that reels in those precious views.

Now, it might sound like a Herculean task to juggle all these intricacies and still keep the post-mill churning. That’s where the magic of a professional touch comes to the fore. Collaborating with a team of passionate video editors adept in crafting superb content will make a world of difference. These professionals harness the power of clean-cut editing, compelling imagery, and intriguing visuals that pique curiosity. With a larger and more engaged audience, you’re better poised to hit those content goals, giving you more freedom and a hearty dose of satisfaction. It’s not just about seeking out an external solution; it’s about creating a partnership that allows you to thrive in a dynamic digital landscape. Plus, who doesn’t love a good blooper reel set together by a seasoned editor, adding a dash of humor to your content journey?

Try Different Formats for Video Editing

Exploring different formats for video editing should always be on your creative to-do list. Experimentation is an indispensable part of a content creator’s snagging tool, especially if you aim to keep your material fresh, dynamic, and compelling to your audience. The video editing world is vast and ripe with endless possibilities; it’s all about finding what suits your style and resonates with your audience. Perhaps you’ve been sticking to the classic cuts and transitions, but how about dabbling into some animation, incorporating stop motion, or even playing around with virtual reality? There’s no limit on creativity here, folks!

Not only will experimenting with various video editing formats keep your material interesting, but it can also give you an edge over your content-creating competition. You know, the crowd’s always craving something new and different, something that piques their curiosity. So, if you step outside your comfort zone and into the realm of innovative editing, you could capture their attention in ways you never thought possible. Picture it this way: if your content has always been the PB&J sandwich of the Web, isn’t it time to add a dash of Nutella or perhaps a drizzle of honey? And never underestimate the power of an enticing thumbnail to lure in viewers, paired with a gripping opening sequence to keep them watching. Remember, just because something works, doesn’t mean something else won’t work better. You hear that? That’s opportunity knocking, don’t forget to answer, folks!

Know Which Video Format is Working for Your Audience

Analyzing your audience’s preferences is critical in tailoring the delivery of your content. You wouldn’t serve a gourmet meal on a paper plate, similarly, delivering your high-quality content in a monotonous video format might cost you potential viewers. The key to engagement lies in knowing which video format resonates best with your audience. This goes beyond the basics of horizontal for YouTube and portrait for Instagram. Some people prefer short and snappy videos, while others appreciate comprehensive, lengthy content. This delicate balance is where the expertise of a professional video editing studio can be invaluable.

Once you’ve hashed out your audience’s preference, it’s time to align your content with the trending video formats. High-definition (HD), 360-degree view, or Virtual Reality (VR); are only a few examples of the plethora of video formats that are at a content creator’s disposal. A studio of video editors, like Social Channel Studios, keeps abreast of these trends and tailors your content accordingly. Sure, you’re the master chef when it comes to your content, but we are the seasoned sous chefs prepping your dish to be served on the right platter – the video format that your audience loves!

Don’t forget to check out this video about how to successfully catch viewers’ attention and engagement with professional video editing.


How can I stay updated with the current trends in video editing?

You can stay updated with the current trends in video editing by subscribing to industry newsletters, following professionals in the field on social media, attending webinars and conferences, and consistently researching and practicing new techniques.

Why is it important to incorporate my branding into my videos?

Incorporating your branding into your videos is crucial as it helps establish a consistent image across all platforms. This helps in making your brand easily recognizable and memorable for your viewers.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional video editor?

Hiring a professional video editor can offer multiple benefits such as high-quality content, saving your time, getting expertise in editing techniques, and providing a professional touch that can increase viewer engagement.

How can good communication with my video editor benefit me?

Good communication with your video editor ensures that your vision is accurately executed. It allows you to express your expectations clearly, provide feedback, and make necessary changes promptly, leading to a better final product.

How often should I post videos?

The frequency of posting videos can vary based on your content strategy and audience. However, it’s generally recommended to post regularly to keep your audience engaged and interested in your content.

Why should I try different formats for video editing?

Trying different formats for video editing can help you discover what resonates best with your audience. It also allows you to experiment with different styles and techniques to keep your content fresh and inventive.

Social Channel Studios as Video Editor

Chasing trends and curating enthralling content often leaves creators with limited time to dive into meticulous video editing. Recognizing this gap, we offer services to enhance raw clips into a polished fusion of audio-visual splendor. Our expertise transcends mere structural editing into incorporating captivating thumbnails for platforms like YouTube, tailored to pique viewer curiosity. Enriched with persuasive images, articulate text overlays, and stimulating visual design, these thumbnails serve as potent baits for viewer clicks. This end-to-end editing commitment helps creators focus solely on their USP- content creation.

No two content creators are the same and we respect that uniqueness. That’s why customization is key in our editing blueprint. Our video editing remedies emerge from a deep-rooted cultivation of a content creator’s ethos, lifestyle, and ultimate content goals. Our aim extends beyond the immediate goal of video enhancements – it encompasses the creators’ growth, viewer engagement, and not to forget, their well-being. This informative piece invokes laughter with its good-natured humor and genuine connection through personal anecdotes, making a tedious topic enjoyable. Our content may be easy to read and understand, yet we never downplay our service. In fact, we subtly amplify the indispensable role of our editing in helping creators achieve their end goal.

If you are interested in hiring us or learning more about our services, please contact us today or book a free consult with one of our specialists. We look forward to working with you!